Friday, March 23, 2007

I'll have a Christie Light Please! 3/12/07

I'll have a Christie Light Please! :-)

When I started nutri system, exactly two weeks ago, I didn’t have any expectations for it. I saw it as a diet, but didn’t exactly know what to expect, so I expected nothing. Two weeks down, and 11.2 lbs lighter (That’s right ladies and gentlemen…. 11.2 LBS!!!!!!!) I still don’t feel like I’m on a diet, and I’m loving it!!! The only major things I’ve had problems with are the meals that you have to re-hydrate, but it’s really not THAT bad… For the black bean meals, my co-worker came up with the perfect solution…. Hot Sauce. Texas Pete to be exact. That way, your mouth burns so bad that you can’t really taste the stuff you’re putting in your mouth :-) .
This past weekend, we were out at the lake for Dad’s birthday. I think my family felt bad for me, not being able to partake in the foods that they were eating, but they actually made healthier choices so that I could eat a little of what they were having. Grilled Chicken Breast, Fresh Green Beans, whole wheat rolls, (they had rice aroni but that I wouldn’t allow myself…. That was tough.. but I’m proud of myself!! Haha). I saved my protein portion that I would have had for my snack and decided to have a piece of the grilled chicken for dinner with the family. I still had to eat my Nutri System meal, of which I made the Vegetable Fajitas (which amazingly enough were GREAT!!). I did not feel the least bit slighted!!! Mom had gotten cup cakes for Dad’s birthday, so that there wasn’t any left over cake to graze on. So when cake time rolled around, I made my Nutri System desert Microwavable Chocolate Cake. It was surprisingly tasty! Not too chocolaty, but just the right amount. I only cheated when it came to icing. (OOPS!). I only put a little tiny bit of icing from one of the cup cakes on my chocolate cake and mixed it in with it. It was great!!!!!
We did a lot of yard work out at the lake yesterday and I got the floating dock scrubbed and cleaned. That took about 30 minutes of hard scrubbing to get that thing ‘Degunked’. It’s actually white now :-) .
I woke up this morning afraid to get on the scale, and when I did, I stepped on there, and for a minute I thought my eyes were going bad. It’s a doctors scale, so you have to manually bump up the lbs, until the scale is equal. So I put my weight as it was last week, and then had to keep moving the weight down…. When it said I had lost 7.2 lbs from last Monday, I kept squinting my eyes to make sure if it was real. It was!!!! I went down stairs to my parents with a HUGE smile on my face. It feels sooo good to be proud of yourself!!! :-) !!! AND..... Today.. I'm wearing a size smaller in pants because over the weekend, my pants kept falling down while doing yard work!!!! SO...... I pulled out the smaller pants today. They are a size smaller and I'm comfortable in them!!! :-) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll have to go invest in some belts and some draw string pants if I keep this whole LOSER thing up! :-) I never thought it'd feel so great to be a loser! Hahahaha...
In two weeks I’ve hit two of my goals. The 5 lbs goal and my 10 lbs goal! Now, onto the 20 lbs goal!!!! :-) The work Begins!!!!!
Thank you to ALL of you who have sent encouraging words! Thank you to my family for sticking with it with me. You know your brain starts changing when you give your brother a lesson in finding the healthiest tortillas to buy in a Food Lion.. :-) So maybe we’re all benefiting from this Nutri System thing as a family! I’m LOVING this thing!!! I’m STILL enjoying it, and I STILL am excited about it! Thanks again All!!!

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