Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I got it!!

GOT IT!!! The bear that is…. The infamous 10 pound red bear from nutri system! For every 10 pounds you lose, Nutri System will send you a bear to say “congratulations” and keep you motivated. They do this until you reach goal! It is a little like a beanie baby. Which, seems a little cheesy, but 10 lbs is a lot! That is a huge goal! Especially when it’s so hard to lose! It is supposed to come in your food shipment, however, my bear did not come with my shipment this last time… much to my dismay! I opened the box, and was a little mad that my bear wasn’t in there. It’s not just any bear though… It’s an “I can do this” bear, a “You hit a milestone” bear, a “Keep up the good work” bear… and so much more. This bear has grown men getting upset if they don’t receive it with their food shipment! That’s how much this one bear means to those of us on the Nutri System diet.
So after I sorted all of my foods that I received in my last shipment, I got on the phone with Nutri system… feeling a little stupid for calling them up saying that I didn’t get a “stuffed bear” in my shipment, and that I would really appreciate it if they sent it to me. The lady on the other end was very polite and very helpful. She said she realized the importance of the bear. It’s not that it’s a “Trinket” or just a stuffed animal, that it was more so a trophy. The CSR told me that she would get my bear out in the mail.
Well, I received my “trophy” and I am proudly displaying it on my PC at work, so when ever anyone walks by, and looks at my screen like ‘what the hell is that?’ I can tell them that it means that I’ve lost “X” amount of pounds. It’s not me being childish for having what appears to be a “Beanie baby” displayed at a professional office, but more so like the Certificate of Achievement awards that I also have displayed in sheet protectors hanging in my humble cube (aka.. my home away from home).

Sooo… without further ado… I’d like to introduce you to…. “Pound”… My first original “nutri bear”. She represents my 10 pound weightloss, and encourages me to keep moving towards that 20 lb mark, so she can have a “Friend” up there with her on the top of my monitor!

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