Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Weekend, weight loss, and Reesie.. :-)

So I can’t help it.. I have to write this blog today! I am down… drum roll please…… 24 LBS!!!!!!!!!!! I can hardly believe it!!! My clothes are huge now, but I’m holding off on getting a bunch of new clothes.. I’ll just have to look sloppy for a while. I am almost to my goal of 30 lbs by Ormond Beach Time!!! I can’t wait!!!!
This past weekend was quite a busy one. Susan and I took Bella to Bark in the Park on Saturday. We’ve been doing this since I first got the pups in 2005. We load up on free stuff, i.e., food, magnets, treats, leashes, toys, books, water bottles, poop bags…etc… It was GREAT!!! I was sooo afraid that Bella was going to act up and start barking at all of the other dogs, but she did wonderfully!!! She was sooo well behaved, and listened to Susan and I! It was GREAT!! Now I know that I can take her out in public without having to worry about her stressing out! :-)
Sunday, Susan called me pretty early and asked if I wanted to bring Bella and we’d all go to the new White Water Park here in Charlotte. We met up with Ed and Katy and her dog Madison, as well as Robyn and her dog Patsy. Again, Bella did PHENOMENAL with the other dogs. She and Patsy became good buddies!!! Bella even let Patsy clean her face. I think it is because Patsy was so small, she may have reminded Bella of Reesie. Knowing that Bella is going to be okay around other dogs is a huge weight off of my shoulders. She is still fearful of huge dogs, but not so much so anymore. She stood right next to us at Bark in the Park when we were asking about a 216 lb Great Dane!!! She didn’t flinch! YAY!!!
Saturday was a sad anniversary for me. April 28, 2006, Reesie passed away unexpectedly. Saturday marked the 1 year mark of being without this sweet dog. It makes me think of how much things change in one full year. It also just seems like it happened yesterday. Reese was such an amazing tiny dog that had so much to offer. She wasn’t the prettiest of dogs, but as far as personality goes, she was the diva of them all. She was also the most loyal companion and I feel sooo lucky that I was able to be her owner for the 15 months that I was.

So, in closing of this blog, I am enclosing a few images of my Sweet Reesie. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Christie! I'm so proud of you and all your accomplishments! Keep it up, you're doing a great job!!! I hopefully will not have to work Memorial Day so I can come down to Charlotte :) That would be so fun! Take care!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blogs are FABULOUS! I love reading them. You should write stuff professionally and get paid for it :-)
Love you!

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! Way to go! You don't know how proud of you I am. 30 here you come.... Love you!!!