Friday, June 29, 2007

Loserville and Kneetown! :-)

Okay, so I have been pressured to give an update on weight loss, Mom, and everything else.. :-) So I’ll do my best to do a recap without over doing it on the length of this blog. So my weight loss, I received both my 30 lb bear and my 40 lb bear in my shipment last Monday. Things have just been too busy for me to write about them. So yes.. I have officially lost 41 lbs since starting Nutri System! Yes, My clothes are getting MUCH bigger on me! Last week, I wore my Old Navy pants that I purchased about a month ago, and they swamped me… but I didn’t have anything else to wear. When I got to work, I had to resort to using office supplies to keep my pants up! I used BINDER clips!! Hey, it worked! I didn’t moon anyone so that was a good thing. With Mom in the hospital, I haven’t really “tried” at losing weight and being on plan. One, because it’s difficult to find a convenient place to heat food up and to get all the things you need to get in you, just takes too long, and two, My mind really wasn’t with the diet. HOWEVER, I am Back on plan, and Back into the swing of being a loser again! I’ve been back 100% on plan for this week. I haven’t weighed myself this week, but I will probably Monday morning, and I’ll get back to weighing in every day.
Update on Mom…
Let’s see here… She is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’ve got her home now, which is more comfortable for Mom and Dad Both! She is using the walker, and is able to sit and stand and walk around a little bit. This morning, she used the walker to get into the kitchen and get her medicines herself. We’re trying to get her to practice standing up straight and getting those knees bent. She had been walking differently for so long, that she is basically learning to walk all over again. I hope she sees how big of an improvement we’ve all seen in just under 2 weeks post op. The incisions are healing very nicely, and every day they look better and better. It is still quite painful for her to get around, but she’s a trooper, and she definitely keeps up with it.
After seeing all that the physical therapist has done with Mom, it’s made me start thinking that it may be something I would want to pursue in the future. It’s working with people to help heal them and get them to a better place in their lives. I’ll probably do research on what it takes to get into a program here in Charlotte. I may even ask the PT what they suggest. I’m just afraid of screwing someone up! *YIKES*
Well, I think that is about all for now. I’m introducing “30 Bear”(light blue) and “40 Bear” (green) in the photos below. Pretty soon, I’m going to need a whole shelf to house these darn beanie bears! :-) I’m so proud of those things though. So I display them at work on my desk top to remind me how far I’ve come! :-)
I’ve got to get back to being a loser so I’m off to loserhood! Love to you all!!!

Meet the newest Members "30" and "40"!

The Whole Pound Gang

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