Friday, October 12, 2007

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

A year ago in August, I was scared of something that was much larger than I could even comprehend. It woke me up to a new world of fear that I had never known prior in my life’s history. I battled this battle internally before I spoke about it. I feared that I had IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer). For those of you who know me, I’m not one to just come forth with information about my breasts, but I tell you this, because I hope it will spark you to pay attention to your own breast health. In August of 2006, I developed a low grade fever, accompanied by an itchy rash on my right breast. I didn’t think anything of it for a while, and then the rash grew worse, and a pain developed and the skin where the rash was, changed and the rash was hot to the touch. I started doing internet research, and came across a few images that looked like what was going on with my breast. These images were of women who had Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I held my fears in, and finally, told my mother about it, and showed her, and the concern on her face, made me realize that I needed to see a doctor about it ASAP. IBC is an extremely aggressive form of Breast Cancer that usually, when you start showing signs of it, it is generally so far progressed, that it could be too late.

Fortunately for me, it turned out to be an infection of the lining of the blood vessels in the breast tissue. I kept asking the doctor if he was 100% sure! He kept stating yes, and he was proud of me for coming in to get it checked, because a lot of women our age think that they are invincible to breast issues. He said that I had every right to be concerned, and that for an untrained eye, IBC would have been the first thing to think about. He understood my fears, but calmed them by reassuring me that antibiotics should clear it up.

Unfortunately, for a lot of women; their diagnosis is far worse. A diagnosis that antibiotics couldn’t possibly clear up. Breast Cancer!

Did you know that Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of death by cancer in women today? The World Health organization estimates that 1.2 million people will be diagnosed each year with Breast cancer. Early detection is helping the death rates drop, but we all have to do our part in saving our breasts!!
My message for all of you is to DO WHAT’S BEST AND FEEL YOUR BREASTS!!! You know your body far better than anyone else on this planet. Stay in tuned to everything going on! If you have fears, don’t hold off on going to the doctor. I’d rather be known for over reacting on my health, than not. The fear of not knowing was FAR greater than the fear of knowing!!
October may be Breast Cancer Awareness month, but it’s only one month… For your self, Breast Cancer Awareness should be an every month of every year event!
Know your bodies!!!!

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