Tuesday, November 20, 2007

8 Randoms about me

Eight Random Things About Me:

1. I spend more time on the internet at work than I probably should. I believe that if I can get my work done and double and triple check the stuff.. and I have time left over, there is no reason why I can’t check out amazon.com or flip through Craigslist categories.

2. When I get home, what I love the most… is seeing my dog “Bella” get so excited that her “momma” is home that she completely loses all couth and is a rule breaking maniac for a few moments, and then she comes running up to me, sits at my feet and looks at me with her brown eyes, and my days troubles are gone.

3. One of these days I want to become an adoption facilitator. I want to have something to do with adoptions. That is the one thing that I know in my heart that I am meant to do. Whether it is finding my “soul” child through adoption, or helping others bring home their “soul” child. Grace, a child that I had in my class a while ago, was adopted from China. This child amazed me, and she and I developed a bond. It is her story that got me into wanting to have a hand in making sure Children get to where they need to be.

4. I love flowers. But not just any flower. I would rather have a bundle of wild flowers picked from someone’s yard, instead of the ones that were purchased at the store. I’d like to think that someone thought of me when they saw flowers in someone’s yard and thought that I would enjoy them, instead of “Oh crap, I forgot to bring something, I need to run to the store and get some flowers!”.

5. I can be having the crappiest day at work… where nothing goes right, I can’t seem to get the answers that people want and/or need. But the minute that my boss or someone that I’ve helped tells me that I’m doing a good job… That makes it all seem worth while. I love it when a customer finally gets to me (I’m the end of the line) and they are so frustrated, and then they tell me that I’m the brightest person they’ve talked to all day…. That makes my job that much easier to handle.

6. My friends Chris and Jesse have two adorable children that melt my heart. Their son calls me “Auntie Christie”, and when their daughter is old enough to speak, she will call me Auntie Christie as well. I am VERY proud to be their “Auntie”, and it is something that I will cherish forever. I feel so honored to be a part of their lives.

7. I LOVE my Honda accord. It is the greatest little car. I know I will need to get a new car, quite possibly within the next year, but I secretly want to hold on for dear life to my little white Honda accord that has seen me through the craziest challenges of my life. I may not take care of it like I should, aside from the maintenance on it, but my little white Honda accord and I have an understanding. It keeps me safe, and I fill her tank, get her inspected, get her oil changed, get her tires rotated. I mean really… Who can put a price tag on safety???

8. I want a day just for me. I want to be able to take one full day, and not have any obligatory scheduling, not have to go and do anything, but maybe go see a movie, go take the dog to the park, go to a spa and have a massage. I’d LOVE to take a hot bubble bath in a huge Jacuzzi tub and read my book and listen to Enya. I’d love to just “be”.

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